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Video performances on youtube (Read 73776 times)

Orb Vroomer

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Video performances on youtube
May 28, 2009, 07:51:38 PM
Hello,I'm Orb Vroomer & I'm new around here.Figuring out this forum & looking forward to meeting some new musical peers.I have recently started a you tube channel to showcase my drumkat & some original songs.I'm looking for comments,etc. Please link me back to yourself & others.I've been searching out all varieties of musical performers & having a blast.My channel link is .


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#1 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 01, 2009, 06:54:33 PM
Very interesting. The tough thing about the one-man band concept is the lack of flowing melody lines and harmonies, etc. Everything is either Pad synth sound heavy or orchestra-strike heavy. Hard to get away from the dominant percussion/rhythm aspect of it. It works well with your Islands in the Sky. Mission Impossible sounded pretty cool. That's a very intriguing rig you have. Is the rack custom made?

Orb Vroomer

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#2 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 01, 2009, 09:21:18 PM
Thanks for the feedback!The one man band concept has never really pulled the whole thing off.In addition to the lack of flowing melodies.etc. it is hard to create that hook the masses want.I can't sing ,so then your into the 'front man' concept & the one man deal is gone.I do some vocoding & some rather crazy synth modulation via a mic and 2 mod pedals running into my Korg MSR 2000 (also can be bussed to any synth).So far no examples posted yet,but I have a back log of material like this,so one day in the near future I'll post another batch of videos.I also have 2 light systems I used to bring out to live shows that are completely controlled by the Drumkat.I have 16 ch. of conventional midi to voltage dimmers/lights & an intelligent board feeding 5 Roboscan 812's.All triggered live.The dimmers are great as they are velocity sensitive.When your sounds trigger in sync with the lights no light man can ever cue late -because he's been eliminated!Thought I'd just try to make a 'one man drummer band' sound a little cooler to watch live by explaining a couple more aspects of my 'whole rig'.You asked about the rig & think we are talking 'rack'?The frame is 1.5 alum. tubing (like ult supp.) with metal Gibralter clamps & some plastic clamps,too.I have an explanation of the electronics,etc. on my you tube profile page.Anything you see on the rig that is not from a manufacturer is you basic 'junk yard meets radio shack'.Thanks.Orb.


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#3 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 02, 2009, 07:06:57 AM
I didn't quite grasp the concept and working mechanisms of the two "rings" or wheels  in your set up. Can you explain that more?

I would love to see the lighting in action.

Orb Vroomer

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#4 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 02, 2009, 10:09:56 AM
The LISA 'ring' on my left is a device I created.It allows for one hand to trigger an 'infinite' roll or arpeggio.Whatever pattern or series of notes you program on the DK can be triggered indefinitely.Most of my examples use only 8 notes,but you can use up to 128 notes.(see Bulgarian intro-LISA & WEEL are used).Another use is single snare drum sound.This trigger can then be used to play a 'one handed roll'.If there are any drummers who lost a limb & are looking for a little help this might be even more useful to them than to someone who has the option of performing a 2 handed roll.The device on my right is my WEEL.This I guess is more for a visual effect than any real practical function.I use it a lot for intro & breakdown sections.I use it to 'introduce' a melody line that is sometimes repeated later in my song.In the near future I will be posting videos with this used to play the entire composition.I have a song where I trigger 'guitar style' picking (arps or broken chords) on the WEEL while my free left hand changes the chords.I very the speed of the turning to simulate the variation in speed like a classical player. I'm tracing down a video of a live show performance of this song.I will post it in the near future as it is a good demo of how I use the WEEL.Thanks for your interest,REF.Orb.


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#5 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 03, 2009, 12:43:49 PM
     First offf! You pull off the standing drummer thing as well as anyone I've seen!You look so natural and balanced playing your kit, that at first I didn't think you even had a bass pedal....Very nice!
     Also like your LISA and WEEL. I didn't respond when I first watched your vids, because I was waiting ti get/see more info on them. Like how they also visually tie down the kit on the ends with something different/interesting.
    I don't know where the tunes are for some of the mentioned in this thread. I'm pretty sure I only saw three tunes before it led me off to other things like 'Andrea' and his drumset. That took a good hour of my day! So, post more links!
     If you are already using a vocoder, then you're just a jump from singing. Then you will be the ultimate one man band. I started using a digitech vocalist with the idea of just adding some vocoder and other effects. It can tune your voice to notes, so you can make it change your voice depending on what chord you're playing. Or you can make it just tune you to the scale of the tune. Within a couple years, I wasn't using those modes anymore and was just singing straight into the mix. I really don't do a lot of harmony work with it, because of the risk of sounding fake, but the verb and the detune effect (something used on every recording out there) and the stereo expanding make it a very worthwhile toy. (I mean tool) A funny thought that relates: When I did my TV show/demonstration back in 99, my plan at that time was to add vocal samples through my QSR, just for the sake of getting some vocals. Within two years I had added the digitech, (though very afraid to use it or to consider singing in public) and a couple years later I had ten tunes with vocals to compliment my four hour act. I can't put into words the difference between a solo act with vocals and the act that's just instrumental. So, for all drummers......add some vocal sounds, chanting or digitech corrected or whatever. A little story telling ala zappa, also goes a long way too! Sit around a campfire and play some acosutic guitar drums and sing! :)
   Mission Impossible really kicked!!

Orb Vroomer

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#6 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 03, 2009, 02:36:57 PM
Hello Vince & thanks for your kind words.I've been kind of isolated for a while here in ST. Louis.I had not turned on the power button to my rig for about 3 years!I saw A.M. was having their vid contest,so I used it as motivation to re-group myself.I was not anywhere up to my game,as before when I would rehearse intensely prior to my few & far between live shows.I was using 'dialog',pitch shifted or heavily effected,& vocoding as you mentioned.Sounds like you have figured it out several levels above my attempt.Thought about getting one of the 'vocalist' type processors.I really need to update my effects.(Not to mention my E-MU sounds,but I'm still a 'hardware guy' live).Sure like to hear your 4 hour act.I try to tell people the amount of effort it takes to compose,program,get the rig set,etc.My shows were @max 90min.I got into this forum specifically looking for people like you-my peers.I have 9 vids on you tube@*different browsers don't always start on the profile page-still wondering?Look for the more from orb tab.Only been on UT for a month.Apologies for the poor quality on my vids.As my deadline closed in &the 'free' cameramen,etc. baled on me I had to buy a camera on Fri.,figure it out on Sat & Sun & shoot on Mon&Tues.Posted them Thurs-deadline.By myself-Not part of my one-man-plan!I don't think I even properly entered the AM contest because I posted the vids On YT & I don't think that's a down loadable site.Anyway, I just thought the vids would be a stepping stone in a search for guys like you.Some of what you said here is about the best advice I've ever gotten. *1 note:I don't use a trig pedal.The 2 floor pedals are used for mod etc.All the kick sounds etc are played with hands.Your basic layering.Got rained out of day work today-I'll head over to your link to have a look.People like you make my day! orb.


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#7 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 03, 2009, 06:07:02 PM
Explain the LISA ring. Definitely the Star Trek rig of any set up I have seen.


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#8 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 03, 2009, 06:11:11 PM
     I'm here today because of rain also!
     Okay so you were playing the bass drum on the six pad. For a bit I thought you were, and then you showed the foot and I musta assumed...
    As for just have to get started! Singing is sort of an ultimate instrument that people react to, and bands are made and die based on singers, while 'sidemen' are replaced all the time. I was always considered a poor singer, and being a drummer, the last one they wanted to put a vocal mic in front of. It kept me from starting for years. Then I started playing around, and found out there are lots of mediocre singers out here that people like to hear. Many tricks, like not leaving things 'hanging out there' and stuff, but the big thing is because we're playing KATs, it's like a perfect marriage with a 'harmonizer'. You can play a chord on the KAT and when the harmonizer is set to that channel, it's the perfect connection. No matter how fast you change, it's on you! Just like you said about the light show.....a person couldn't follow, especially if you have many improvisational areas.
     I was wondering why you weren't entered in the contest, but I figured it was timing. I also had much last minute problems getting my old footage captured. It started as a production with editing and even some of the signage just like the one guy did, but the person I hired couldn't do anything. Actually I take that back.....he captured the whole show which was an hour, and the raw footage which was three hours, perfectly. Better than expected etc.! When it came to just taking a couple clips the trouble began. By the day before it had to be sent, it still had hiccups and the volume was way quiet. My computer speakers turned up barely play loud enough to hear.
     I'm a hardware guy too. Real sound modules, no sequencers etc.. I did my share of sequencer stuff, back in the 80's, listening to a click and the whole bit. Even played gigs with the DrumKAT with a little sequencing, but of course I put it under my ride/hat with tap/tempo so the computer followed me.  
    I use a much simpler lighting set than you. mine is only a four channel topaz dimmer, but when I send one single message from the KAT my keyboard turns it into four messages.
    I want to mention again, you really pull offf the standing thing. I was in bands that wanted me to do that, and I hated every moment. That was Before KAT though. Anyway, I'm a sitting drummer, and the one element that I've added to my set is a sustain under my left heel. I sort of took some vibe playing experience, and turned it into a coordination. For years my left foot kept time mostly, either eight notes or quarters, and that had to be stopped.
   Thanks for the compliments, as they make my day!

Orb Vroomer

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#9 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 03, 2009, 06:58:20 PM
Thanks for the Star Trek reference.I think the kit looks cool,too,of course being biased toward myself.It kind of evolved over time,but always was configured for ease of playability.The poles are mounted as close as possible to DK & adjacent poles.This is great for the performer,although not so good for the front (audience) view.I have considered a rig more spread out-visually, a plus for viewers but more challenging for the player.I shot the vids from the back/side views so there would be a better view.I don't think I could perform all my material spread out to far-it's just too fast so I probably would have to slow some tempos down.OK now lets talk L.I.S.A. LISA stands for:Longitudinal Infinitesimal Striking Apparatus.Longitudinal:oriented like a longitude line on a globe.Infinitesimal:You can scrape it in a never ending circle (or loop).Striking:well you do have to strike it,right?Apparatus:could have used:trigger,device,etc.-but LIST &LISD sound stupid.Anyway I really like Lisa Simpson's hair!Plus she plays a sax!This leaves us with what do we do with LISA?A couple of posts back I said something, but I'll try to elaborate.You can play it with a single hit/play it bi-directionally-back&forth or up & down/ scrape it in a circular motion for a one handed roll (single sound)/or my favorite:set it on alt. 8 (or up to 128) note mode (DK) and use it as an arppegiato-style device.Just scape @ desired speed & you have a pretty sweet one-handed-harp! See "Bulgarian Dance" song on my YT channel.I use it arp-style in that one several times.Hope that answers your ?.  orb.

Orb Vroomer

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#10 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 03, 2009, 07:45:32 PM
OK, Vince I was posting while you posted!Maybe we were in bizzaro-world bands because I wanted to stand & I don't think Jagger-I mean the lead singer was too into it!The thing that is hard for most people to comprehend is I have some kicks & other sounds (usually) on the same pad,but it changes ON EVERY KIT.When I started this style I thought about a completely symmetrical (sound/pad) setup.I wanted any sounds on right to be available on the left.It didn't end up that way,but there is differences in sound locations/pads ON EVERY SONG.A typical way I work might be:1)create bass notes/groove.2)layer kick/snare notes/patterns 3)layer hi hat notes paying att. to accents,openess,etc. 4)layer a synth onto bass pattern-maybe identical,maybe not. 5)add a trig for chords-and they may need a kick,crash or whatever I want.It goes on but you get the idea.I have the ability to layer up to 16 notes per pad (this is beyond the capabilities of the DK @ this point).As for lights I use Topaz,too,I have  4 packs-for sixteen channels.I also am able to turn on scenes,rotate through scenes,or just 'play' individual lights.The Roboscan 812's I stopped using.They are missing DMX channels I need,such as shutter,iris,etc.They have a real bad way of going to blackout.Plus,the 812 is a moving mirror not moving head,really out of date.Hope you found my profile page on TY.I Checked out your site-looks great.Still need more investigation of that.Just yesterday I got my domain.Now time to figure that out.Thanks for your advice/support. orb.


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#11 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 03, 2009, 08:36:12 PM
You have explained what LISA does, but what, exactly IS LISA as a device? How is LISA hooked up? In one piece it looked as though you changed pitch just by drawing a stick in and out of the circle, like some kind of electrical current/sound field was effected. Was that LISA or just foot work below?

Orb Vroomer

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#12 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 03, 2009, 09:54:38 PM
You are quite observant!OK.The 'stick' inside LISA (non touching) is a bit of an illusion.Other elements are contributing to what is going on in that particular instance.I wish it had more advanced functions,but it is simple trigger.I would never FAKE anything!At live shows people would think I was using theremins & such.When asked I would tell everybody what is up.Mostly no-one asked too much.I found at live shows people like a little magic or mystery-it's not like talking in this forum.Being the lonely one man band guy I had to take anything I could get.I would kind of let loose a bit at live shows-lots of body english lined up with modulation of sound controlled by my feet.Walk away from the rig with a vocoded note stuck on-of course the cool part of that is It's not audible until I talk/scat whatever.So I had stuff like this I started doing & it contributed to the act very much.In the near future I will post performances like these examples, as I have a backlog of material with all sorts of things going on.When I made these vids it was going to be for the AM contest & I left most of the 'showmanship' out.Somethings I do live I wasn't even aware of as I've only been on vid a couple times.Other things are a little automatic from habit.As for the hook up of LISA I think you've got that figured out now.If not ask me again. orb. bonus riddle:Why did Hendrix light his guitar on fire?


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#13 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 05, 2009, 06:40:03 AM
Well, showmanship can certainly be something that would add dimensions to playing as a one man band in your circumstances. The lighting would be part of that for you, as well.

If LISA is just a "simple trigger," do I assume correctly there is a piezo or FSR hooked up to it somehow? How do you trigger a metal circle? Now that I think of it, just what IS that metal circle? Did you have to work through crosstalk issues? It seems you could arpeggios all day long on that thing just sweeping the bumps. Harps, anyone?

At first I thought the WEEL was half of a roto tom ring. But it isn't the same shape. Is it the same "showmanship" thing going on when you turn it and get different pitches? All done via pre-patterned composition? Same question on triggering, as well. What is used to trigger signal?

I haven't watched all the vids, but, is there a genre your music is described within? The pieces all have a consistent "sound" to them. But, that can be from the percussive nature of it all.

Orb Vroomer

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#14 Re: Video performances on youtube
June 05, 2009, 11:22:47 AM
OK. Ref ,I admire your persistence! I knew it would eventually come to a time like this.Once I put (LISA) out there it could probably be duplicated by others (if anyone had the desire).It is a kind of an 'intellectual property issue'.I always assumed people could figure it out without my help,so I'll go ahead give you some more info.So short of a schematic or blueprint or such,after this anybody could make a similar device.It is a piezo trigger device.The ring material is aluminum.The mounting system (cross talk issues) I'll leave a mystery for now.I mentioned how it makes a 'sweet harp' above,so good call on the harp style application.Just out of personal curiosity-is this LISA trigger a device that YOU would want to have & use?You seem like an open minded person.Most people I don't think would be so inclined.In fact,anybody else reading this tab feel free to chime in @ this point.I've been attaching piezos to anything & everything since about 1984.After I started using FSR pads I was less inclined to use piezo devices.Onto the WEEL.This one has 'sensors' every 90 degrees.The 'receptor' is @ a fixed point (below).It is velocity sensitive.At this point I'm not revealing this info,as it is probably a little harder to figure out than LISA! It plugs into the DK with a standard cable.I was thinking of using roto toms @ making some horizontally mounted WEELS.I also make larger versions (diameter/size).On larger models I increase the sensors,as the distance between sensors increases.The 8 foot ceiling in my studio prevents size increase @ some point!If I was,say,Blue Man Group,I would make a HUGE one!They might already have something like this as I have not seen ALL their contraptions.I would love to work with those guys!! I picture my one man deal more suited to an approach like theirs than working in the traditional musical vein.I think auditioning for them gets you a 'back line gig' & I'm more of a 'front line' kind of player @ this point!Sorry I stayed there,but my approach might be a little clearer when viewed from this prospective/mind set.The WEEL is using the same alt 8 & 128 modes as LISA.As for my genre/style, I have not figured that out.What you are hearing here is 4 to 8 years old.Even then.styalistically speaking,I'm a bit of a dinosaur.I grew up with prog-rock,art-rock.Always loved bands like EL&P,Yes,Pink Floyd.Also Beatles,The Who,Led Zep.Too many good ones to name all! I'm drawn to the British bands.I will probably go out of my way to compose some more modern/mainsteam music in the near future. orb.