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another 'FUTUREDRUM' ... hmm?... (Read 5445 times)


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  • KAT Diety
  • Posts: 514
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Instruments: trapKAT, malletKAT, drumKAT, DITI, jamKAT
another 'FUTUREDRUM' ... hmm?...
June 27, 2009, 02:41:05 PM
 ???anyone else besides myself (besides Mario, who I know was there) go to or think about going to this show :)

I think something like this, not exactly like this, but something were as many of us as possible could get togother and jam or whatever...!

somewhere centrally located (sorry PLJ, don't mean to intentionally omit our UK friends) in the US, where it wouldn't be that hard for most of us (who would be interested) to get to...

In the midwest...Chicago, St Louis, Memphis,....??

my thought would be more of a electronic drum/percussion circle (as it were)...where we could jam or record or both...
I thought that FUTUREDRUM had more of V-Drum/Piezo type e-drum set-ups....maybe our new Forum gathering/symposium thing would be more KAT/FSR oriented....and maybe the DAUZ dude would bring some stuff...

It doesn't have to be NAMM-ish, but more performance driven... :)

just a random thought (and no I'm not insane or stoned)...or am I? ;D ;)

"NEED IMPUT", said Johnny 5


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#1 Re: another 'FUTUREDRUM' ... hmm?...
June 28, 2009, 07:41:34 AM
Great idea. Very tough to pull off though.

That event was back in 2007? Not another one since? You were there, what was the turnout like, and what was your impression of the event?
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 07:43:40 AM by REF »


  • *****
  • KAT Diety
  • Posts: 514
  • Go Ahead, make my millenium!
Instruments: trapKAT, malletKAT, drumKAT, DITI, jamKAT
#2 Re: another 'FUTUREDRUM' ... hmm?...
June 28, 2009, 11:13:01 AM
on 9-22-07, and none since then... :'( that was the weekend, that my wife and I discovered that we were pregnant! ;D right there in Akron, Ohio...bought like 10 PT kits to be sure, cuz I was in shock...what with me being 44 and her being 39 (at that time)... :o but, back to the topic at hand

I thought that Michael Render did a great job of ...well just about...everything. The T-Shirts, the guests, the vendors, etc.. :)

I thought it was well thought-out, and was in a nice place (very clean and professional)...I think the turn out definitely could've been better...Apparently most folks couldn't make it to Akron, Ohio. ??? I don't think there has been another one since, I check the vdrum forum quite frequently and haven't heard anything about another.

My guess is that Michael Render probably lost his shirt on that one....just as a guess, what with a poor turn out, and such. He had T-shirts made up and everything! He's a great guy and did an impressive job, again, the only down side that I saw was the lack of attendance.

BUT! the product demos were all good...the vdrums, Mikey VPT, John Emrich and the zendrum, Mario respresenting A.M.,etc,etc.... it was very cool (IMO)! But, it was (again) mostly product demo oriented knida thing...whereas my thought is that (if we could all agree upon something) would be more social (if that's what the popular consesus was) ...more performance driven as opposed to product sales driven (with the exception of hopefully AM in da house representin)..

I think if anyone here (at the AM forum) would be interested....then lets look at location (city/state) first and see if it made sense. I mean I'm up for it, but I may be the only one :(


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#3 Re: another 'FUTUREDRUM' ... hmm?...
June 28, 2009, 01:31:57 PM
You have to start somewhere.

My weekends are generally filled with one kind of commitment or another, so making it a place like ... Indiana for a central location would be rough. Assuming this would go, what ... Friday, Sat, Sun till noon or afternoon?

If it was just KAT oriented Mario might feel Chicopee would be the place, if he was going to have stuff there, sponsor, whatever. Would be interesting to have it be both demo for AM and the playing for owner/users, which would be demo for nonusers who might be invited or have it opened up to the general drumming public.