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Digital Drummer Magazine (Read 19981 times)


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Digital Drummer Magazine
January 28, 2010, 10:35:47 PM
ya seen it yet?

I think it looks pretty cool (from what little bit I've read so far) and it also looks like it may need a AM / KAT perspective ...  ???
(hint, one of you midi / controller / module / synth genius types...)

p.s. didn't know where else to post this. ;D


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#1 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
January 29, 2010, 08:32:42 AM
ya seen it yet?
Thanks for the link! No, I hadn't seen it. Very nice presentation. And, yes, you're right, it cries out for an AM article (or even some AM ads).

Though I wish the magazine well, the cynic in me wonders how many issues they'll reach before they run out of material; there's only so much e-drum stuff after all (already in Issue 1 there's arguably some 'filler' - the article on Kit Toys cymbals which have (sadly) been defunct for years!)


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#2 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
January 29, 2010, 08:32:38 PM
Interesting....I just found a Roland TD8 on ebay, and now an article on! 8)
Upgraded to a TD8 from an Alesis DM5......oops....rather steep learning curve here, but I just might figure it out yet... ;D


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#3 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 02, 2010, 04:45:53 PM
Yeah, getting regular KATvertising it in would be good...

...though I'm with Scotty.  All their target audience has internet access.  I'd suggest that means a very large proportion will already be reading forums and such like.  They're going to need to have some good stuff in there to keep a readership.  (The login details being required so they've some figures against which to price their advertising, presumably.)

I found it odd that the reviewer of the DT-HD1 didn't mention something that's stated in the product blurb: not compatible with 64bit OSes.  If I can go to the manufacturer's website and get a better understanding of the product than from an independent review, they'll have to watch themselves.

Good luck to them, though.


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#4 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 03, 2010, 07:25:18 AM
If you didn't catch it...  It had disappeared when I looked just now.

Orb Vroomer

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#5 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 03, 2010, 10:38:13 AM
I've tried several times - it hasn't worked long enough for me to register.Hope they get their act together.It's new,so I'll bear with them.

9:45 in St. Lou & DD has a title page - nothing else.At least they know the correct date.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 10:42:25 AM by Orb Vroomer »


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#6 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 03, 2010, 02:45:39 PM
Default index page needs resetting; if you leave off "Home.html" you get the listing of files.  I'm guessing they changed service provider.


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#7 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 04, 2010, 12:49:39 AM
Hi there,

I'm Allan, the editor of digitalDrummer. Apologies for the technical glitches - we were adding functionality and didn't notice the issues at the front end. And in fact, none of our visitors pointed them out. It has now been restored and should be fully functional.
You will need to register - simply provide a first name, email (which becomes your log-in name) and password. And no, that's not for the advertisers - it's to enable us to alert you when the next edition goes live. Reader information is not shared with advertisers.
We have contacted Alternate Mode several times but didn't hear back - perhaps the groundswell here might trigger a response!
In the meanwhile, please continue to let me know what you like - and what you don't and if there's anyone doing anything different with KAT instruments, please let me know.
As an aside, I'm interested to see that the Kit Toys story was seen as a "filler". It was hard to track Mike down and you will note that there is a chance that he'll restart his business. Interestingly, I've had significant positive feedback on other forums to that particular story as well as to the TD-8 review. But I guess you can't please everyone all the time, no matter how hard you try.
Happy reading - and happy drumming.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 01:41:38 AM by digitalDrummer »

Orb Vroomer

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#8 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 04, 2010, 01:46:02 AM
Thanks,Allen.Glad to see you even saw these posts.We're just the small fish in a big pond.Can't wait to see your new editions.

If you want to know about anyone doing anything different with Kat instruments,try my YT channel.

Or,I can point you towards some other great Kat performers I've seen in this forum.

Please represent Kat controllers - still the BEST midi drum/perc controllers.

Looking forward to many issues of digital Drummer.Happy Kat tales to you.



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#9 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 04, 2010, 02:42:39 AM
Thanks Allan,

Glad that you saw us and that you know of us!

We have contacted Alternate Mode several times but didn't hear back - perhaps the groundswell here might trigger a response!
They are usually pretty responsive, so I guess (pure speculation) that the silence was either related to them preparing for or being at the NAMM show, or Mario being too busy being involved with setting up Miditronix (hey, Miditronix!, there's a story for Issue 2  ;D)

As an aside, I'm interested to see that the Kit Toys story was seen as a "filler". It was hard to track Mike down and you will note that there is a chance that he'll restart his business. Interestingly, I've had significant positive feedback on other forums to that particular story as well as to the TD-8 review. But I guess you can't please everyone all the time, no matter how hard you try.

Well, I did say 'arguably'  ;) ... and it was a good, enjoyable, article too (honest!) I just found it striking that a mag on such a specialist small sector as edrums had an article on a discontinued brand in its first issue - but that's just me.

Best of luck with the magazine. It looks great, is very well-written and deserves success. I hope you prove that my pessimistic overtones were badly misplaced.



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#10 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 04, 2010, 04:07:54 AM
Personally I'm all in favour of a good balance between past, present and future.  Rhythm features a "historical kit" in each issue and, even though I'm not an a-drummer, it's an interesting read.  On e-drums, though, I'm not so interested in other current products than the one I own (a TrapKAT) -- but I am interested in items of historical interest.  I've not yet read the TD-8 article, though, but the Kit Toys one was good.  And I'm really happy to see a DIY page.

I hope you can get more interest from a wide range of manufacturers (and readers!) and manage to keep an overall balance (rather than a weighed one...).  Whilst the market is probably dominated by Roland, I don't think a general interest digital drumming mag needs to be to appeal.

Oh, and I wasn't suggesting you'd share our details with the advertisers.  Just be able to have an auditable readership figure.  Maybe that's not needed in e-media advertising, I don't know.


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  • KAT Diety
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Instruments: trapKAT, malletKAT, drumKAT, DITI, jamKAT
#11 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 04, 2010, 12:45:37 PM
Hi there,

I'm Allan, the editor of digitalDrummer. Apologies for the technical glitches - we were adding functionality and didn't notice the issues at the front end. And in fact, none of our visitors pointed them out. It has now been restored and should be fully functional.
You will need to register - simply provide a first name, email (which becomes your log-in name) and password. And no, that's not for the advertisers - it's to enable us to alert you when the next edition goes live. Reader information is not shared with advertisers.
We have contacted Alternate Mode several times but didn't hear back - perhaps the groundswell here might trigger a response!
In the meanwhile, please continue to let me know what you like - and what you don't and if there's anyone doing anything different with KAT instruments, please let me know.
As an aside, I'm interested to see that the Kit Toys story was seen as a "filler". It was hard to track Mike down and you will note that there is a chance that he'll restart his business. Interestingly, I've had significant positive feedback on other forums to that particular story as well as to the TD-8 review. But I guess you can't please everyone all the time, no matter how hard you try.
Happy reading - and happy drumming.

I'm just happy as heck that someone has taken the initiative to put together something like this...Awesome Job, and keep up the good work....I for one, have no complaints whatsoever (I mean, for the price, how can ANYONE go wrong) :)

Orb Vroomer

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#12 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 04, 2010, 06:26:56 PM
Like gmby,I'm glad  to have this magazine.I'm registered & I read through page 8......all else is blank pages.Can't wait to see the rest.


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#13 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 04, 2010, 06:34:46 PM
I'm not sure why you're not able to see past Page 8. I have just retested and can access all the pages. Can I suggest you try downloading the PDF and return to the site later to check again.
If the problem persists, please contact me directly:

Orb Vroomer

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#14 Re: Digital Drummer Magazine
February 04, 2010, 08:58:46 PM
Got it.  ;)  Didn't need the download - was fine.Just completed reading.Good info.  You're talking our talk.
