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Malletkat Video using Elektrik Piano/Gforce Minimoog + Abbey Road 60's... (Read 7426 times)


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Instruments: none listed
So I got a malletkat almost a year ago (was on this site a good bit reserching) and finally am getting a youtube video up with it. This is a Tears For Fears cover, split screen one man band kind of thing with drums, guitars, bass, vocals, malletkat. I'm triggering a mix of NI Elektrik Piano and Gforce's Minimonsta (Minimoog emulator) on the malletkat, and converted the drum mics to midi and triggered NI Abbey Road 60's drums to support the acoustic kit.


  • *****
  • KAT Diety
  • Posts: 1306
  • NINJAMmer
Instruments: trapKAT


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Instruments: none listed

Orb Vroomer

  • *****
  • KAT Diety
  • Posts: 522
  • It's katalicious.Go ahead & try one.You'll like it
Instruments: none listed
Most excellent one man version , Scott. Great video & editing ,as well . TFF is one of my favorite 80s bands. I see you are also a fan of YES - me too. There are more YES fans lurking in this forum -  a lot of us are older 'gentlemen'  & also many fans of progressive rock bands are in this forum.

I played in a 3 piece cover band {well.....actually our computer added some 'pieces' & a light show} , back in 86. We covered this song , but I have to say , it was a little bland.I like your version way better than ours. I used an octapad & triggered an E-MU SP-12. I've never been a big fan of being slaved to a computer or click in a live situation. In fact I HATED it. We covered this song & also Pale Shelter & Change.

Here is a link to an audio recording from a live gig we played @ CU in Boulder, Co. performing Pale Shelter :
I dubbed these from a cassette. YIKES ! Here is a link to 'Change' , by TFF :

Look forward to watching more of your YT videos. Good luck...although I don't think you need any luck as it would appear you are quite talented.  ;)     


  • Guest
Instruments: none listed
Most excellent one man version , Scott. Great video & editing ,as well . TFF is one of my favorite 80s bands. I see you are also a fan of YES - me too. There are more YES fans lurking in this forum -  a lot of us are older 'gentlemen'  & also many fans of progressive rock bands are in this forum.

I played in a 3 piece cover band {well.....actually our computer added some 'pieces' & a light show} , back in 86. We covered this song , but I have to say , it was a little bland.I like your version way better than ours. I used an octapad & triggered an E-MU SP-12. I've never been a big fan of being slaved to a computer or click in a live situation. In fact I HATED it. We covered this song & also Pale Shelter & Change.

Here is a link to an audio recording from a live gig we played @ CU in Boulder, Co. performing Pale Shelter :
I dubbed these from a cassette. YIKES ! Here is a link to 'Change' , by TFF :

Look forward to watching more of your YT videos. Good luck...although I don't think you need any luck as it would appear you are quite talented.  ;)     

Thanks so much for the compliments... looking forward to checking out the links. I have to do it tomorrow; can't make noise now! I love listening to stuff transferred from cassette! Bit of synchronicity, but I just picked up a Casio CK-500 keyboard with a dual tape deck and am/fm radio on it. I've been going a bit cassette-crazy lately.


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Instruments: none listed
Wow! Great job!  Nice voice, with nice processing, great arrangement.  I really can't find anything negative to say, or suggest to improve it (and consider myself pretty picky).  I will also say that I liked your version better than the original TFF version. 


  • *****
  • KAT Diety
  • Posts: 514
  • Go Ahead, make my millenium!
Instruments: trapKAT, malletKAT, drumKAT, DITI, jamKAT
That kicked ass!

Very Impressive, especially the vocals!



  • Guest
Instruments: none listed
Most excellent one man version , Scott. Great video & editing ,as well . TFF is one of my favorite 80s bands. I see you are also a fan of YES - me too. There are more YES fans lurking in this forum -  a lot of us are older 'gentlemen'  & also many fans of progressive rock bands are in this forum.

I played in a 3 piece cover band {well.....actually our computer added some 'pieces' & a light show} , back in 86. We covered this song , but I have to say , it was a little bland.I like your version way better than ours. I used an octapad & triggered an E-MU SP-12. I've never been a big fan of being slaved to a computer or click in a live situation. In fact I HATED it. We covered this song & also Pale Shelter & Change.

Here is a link to an audio recording from a live gig we played @ CU in Boulder, Co. performing Pale Shelter :
I dubbed these from a cassette. YIKES ! Here is a link to 'Change' , by TFF :

Look forward to watching more of your YT videos. Good luck...although I don't think you need any luck as it would appear you are quite talented.  ;)     

Hey, meant to tell you, those live cuts you did sounded great. I really liked the Pale Shelter version. Good stuff!