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Live Trapkat Gig!! (Read 9168 times)


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  • The Kat's Meow
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Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 06, 2013, 07:34:17 PM
Was March 2nd. I Trapkat,2 drumkats. Gig was amazing, my new band Stevie Legend with Stevie on keyboards was a hit!-We played at a Moose Lodge in cape canaveral, had people up dancing-but...the star was the Trapkat,had a lot of visitors up to stage left while we were playing,during the break, almost all of it was spent explaining, and demoing the Trapkat. They thought it was awesome! A few drummers with, another manufacturers inferior product were vere interested in how easy it was to set up, and play!:)
Pictures coming soon!-Bravo, again to Mario, and alternate mode.
Thank you!


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  • The Kat's Meow
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#1 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 07, 2013, 10:50:27 PM
Cool! Are you guys just a duo (keys and Kats) or are there more musicians? What kind of music do you play?


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  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 104
  • DrumMan-there can be only one!
Instruments: trapKAT, drumKAT
#2 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 09, 2013, 10:47:11 AM
duo, classic rock-some ELP(fanfare,lucky man america, rondo, taurkas) doors, a kickin green eyed lady, focus,etc-Stevie plays a hammond b-3, 3 kurzweil 88 weighted boards,2 mackie thumps, 2 kb-300's for me. Getting piks setup now-


  • ***
  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 104
  • DrumMan-there can be only one!
Instruments: trapKAT, drumKAT
#3 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!& piks:)
March 11, 2013, 11:03:28 AM
Here is the rig in full-
1-trapkat 3.1
1-yamaha dtxpress 2
1-yamaha motif rack
2-peavey kb-300
integrating 3 more fat pedals and 1 hatpedal!
Peace!-more piks under user setups


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#4 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 11, 2013, 05:51:35 PM
That is an amazing setup. :-)

Did I count 64 triggers (24 + 4x10)?

Didn't know a dtxpress had that many sounds. :-)

Or are you using a VST?

Also, Stevie must be a decent keyboard player if he can do anything by ELP. :-)


  • ***
  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 104
  • DrumMan-there can be only one!
Instruments: trapKAT, drumKAT
#5 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 12, 2013, 01:13:03 PM
68 if you include the pedals.The Yamaha dtxpress 2 has over 200o samples plus the memory card has about 300+ loaded. The motif rack has another 1000+, I use them in tandem, or separatley,depending on tunes. Vst-only at home,lots of set up required, and want to test the road worthiness, and still have my hardware as backup. Adding another trapkat next month to complete my "vision", and about 30 pads.-Think animusic drums, on the second DVD-that should cover everything I want to do musically, and give me a lot of possibilities as an artist.
I'm excited about the exploration of all the sounds, and how to combine them, with effects and loops.


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#6 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 12, 2013, 02:32:33 PM
Awesome, I figured there was a sound module in there somwhere, I have a few Motifs myself.

Where did you get those hrizontal bars to mount the DK pairs on?
I could use something like that myself, want to mount some dual pads too.


  • ***
  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 104
  • DrumMan-there can be only one!
Instruments: trapKAT, drumKAT
#7 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 13, 2013, 11:08:59 AM
surplus curved rack tubing from an older yamaha rack, but you could use the gibraltar tubing as well.I cut it down to the length I wanted with a tubing cutter.A work in progress, as the final rack will be less bars.An amazing resource also is your local muffler shop-the aluminized 1.5" steel tubing is heavy duty, and they can weld, so you wont have so many clamps connecting tubing!


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#8 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 14, 2013, 12:30:04 AM
the E-Kit is un-friggin-believable dude!

that's Awesome

I dig that deck (riser) also.....custom made?
kinda reminds me of postal pallets


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#9 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 14, 2013, 10:54:04 PM
Blimey. That's more pads than my local mental health institution (and I should know  :D).

Congratulations. Would love to see a video grab of a few minutes of your gig.


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  • The Kat's Meow
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#10 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 17, 2013, 04:32:56 AM
Nice E-drum set up! Nice set of tunes, too. Tarkus is one of my top ten pieces of music of all time. As a keys and drums duo, you guys might want to look into the music recordings of Patrick Moraz/Bill Bruford (Yes alumni, among other things), or going even further back in time, Eddie Hardin/Pete York (of Spencer Davis Group fame). Those two Keyboard/drum duos have released some really nice music.


  • ***
  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 104
  • DrumMan-there can be only one!
Instruments: trapKAT, drumKAT
#11 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 17, 2013, 02:41:39 PM
Thank you for the kind comments-the pedal board I drew up using the trapkat as my idea of a "base", -oval provided the best stability, and smallest footprint. 3/4 inch plywood.The new rig will have 4 pedals either side, aluminum(1/4 inch)base with locking casters,recessed channel to hide wiring,and a new slimmed down snake for the cabling. New tubing rack as well, non traditional, of course. I like the aluminized steel exhaust tubing the best-heavy duty, looks good, and dont forget, unlike typical thin wall tubing-can be welded, eliminating many clamps.
Music wise, I always wanted to a duo, just keys and drums. To take the acoustic kit in this format made no sense to me, I wanted more possibilities. Quite happy not to set up a traditional LARGE acoustic rig, which although in apperance is impressive-is boring!(sorry REF-know how you feel about the nuances) My influences are progressive rock, fusion, as well as Terry Bozzio's solo work.
Stevie Legend band  is getting ready to do a USO tour, it will be with the Trapkat,hopefully, weight permiting, with the 4 Drumkat's as well(I knew I should have got the newer Trapkat already!!!) So far, the Trapkat has had no issues in a live situation.Had to push my main fatpedal cords in once-another time I had a midi cable start to back out of the input on the module, caused some amusing sounds!
Other than that, I report after playing the Trapkat/Drumkat live-no issues. However-I believe in replacing onboard batteries on all Drumkats before touring(which I did when I aquired each one) The Alternate Mode Gear has held up well, and with my second Trapkat addition next month, should prove very interesting to see how the Kitties hold up live, and during transport overseas.


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  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 112
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#12 Re: Live Trapkat Gig!!
March 18, 2013, 04:06:15 AM
Good Luck, have fun, play your *ss off!!  ;D