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New To MalletKat & Midi (Read 10371 times)


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New To MalletKat & Midi
July 17, 2019, 09:09:32 PM

I'm absolutely new to both the MK and Midi.  While I'm fairly comp savvy, having built a Linux machine, I'm baffled by midi.  It seems there are so many variables.  I picked up a MalletKat 5.0 recently and would love some advice on how to connect it, whether to a windows laptop, android tablet, or my Linux desktop.   

The 5.0 doesn't have internal sounds and is just a trigger or controller. Are they one in the same? 

I noticed that there is a software upgrade and a chip upgrade that will turn my 5.0 into an 8.0.  Do I need to do this to be able to run through android or with newer midi/synth software?

I picked up a midi to usb cable and have connected it to my Linux comp, which recognizes the MK.  At the moment I'm figuring out the nuances to get a synth or midi program to respond to the MK.  But no luck yet.

Me - I'm a drummer and percussionist in the Folk and Rock music styles and have always wanted a way to bring various voices into a performance without adding a lot of other instruments to my setup..  The Mk seems perfect for this.

Thanks !!!

Julie B


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  • Cool Kat
  • Posts: 2
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#1 Re: New To MalletKat & Midi
July 25, 2019, 12:32:02 PM
Success! Mission Control....I have audio. Big Thanks to Mario for some helpful hints! I bought a Presonus 24c USB-Midi-interface to go between the MK and my Linux computer. Installed a patch program called "jack", then installed synth and DAW, and found some soundfonts to test.  Jeeeezzz there is a lot of soundfonts out there !!