Circumstance is an odd thing. My wife and I were sitting in our garden last night, listening to a party somewhere else in the neighbourhood with reggae music. I could hear steel pans. Then, this morning, as I was browsing KVRAudio, I found some
free steel pan samples.
So I thought I'd try to get them mapped on my TrapKAT. I went looking for layouts and found a very nice site --
Steel Pan Tuning -- and decided to use the
Double Second layout.
Double Second Pan] (single file contained, mapped on kit15.)
30 notes across 24 pads... So how's it done? (Original layout picture taken from "Steel Pan Tuning".)

I chose not to use the bass and hi-hat triggers. The hi-hat has other uses...
On the left, the tricky ones are:
- G#5, D5: with the hi-hat open, you get G#5; closed for D5
- E5, C5: with the hi-hat open, you get E5; closed for C5
- Bb4, Bb5: with the hi-hat open, you get Bb4; closed for Bb5
And on the right:
- A5. F5: with the hi-hat open, you get A5; closed for F5
- D#5, B5: with the hi-hat open, you get D#5; closed for B5
- C#5, G5: with the hi-hat open, you get C#5; closed for G5
Of course, it's a bit weird having most of the large area pan low notes on the rims... but I thought it'd make it easier to follow...
Anyway, I hope someone finds it fun!

-- Peter