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DITI with eHAT2 and Addictive Drums 2 (Read 5585 times)


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DITI with eHAT2 and Addictive Drums 2
February 03, 2017, 04:32:52 PM
I have tried and tried to get the eHAT2 to work with Addictive Drums 2 through the DITI, but can't figure it out. I've watched Mario's DITI hi hat video many times and tweaked all of the DITI hi hat settings, but can't seem to get it to work.

In the AD2 midi map window I see the CC hat values change when I press the pedal, but I can't get it to control the sound.

The DITI editor software, is also receiving control change data.

In the DITI downloads there is a jamKAT kit for Addictive Drums and one for HybridKit, but I'm not using either of those.


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#1 Re: DITI with eHAT2 and Addictive Drums 2
February 05, 2017, 08:58:54 AM
Hi there,

which setting are you using for the HiHat pad? GM, HatNote, None?

Which setup are you using? jamKAT, hybriKIT, something else?

So maybe we can narrow it done a little bit ;) MineĀ“s working like a charm ;)



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  • The Kat's Meow
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#2 Re: DITI with eHAT2 and Addictive Drums 2
February 11, 2017, 11:06:00 PM
I feel so stupid! I'm usually pretty good at this stuff. Give me a manual and I can figure things out, but not with the DITI and Addictive Drums. As I mentioned in my original post, I can't get the hi hat figured out and now I've got some Yamaha cymbals and I can't get choke to work with them. Why is this so hard?!?!

I've read the DITI manual over and over, but can't put the pieces together.

If anyone can shed any light on the cymbal choking that would be awesome too. I've got the Yamaha PCY155 and PCY135. They are supposed to be three zone cymbals with choke.

To answer soundtextures questions:
I've tried them all: GM, HatNote and None. I think in Mario's video he said to use None with Addictive Drums. But I feel like I get lost when trying this stuff out and not really sure if I configured any of them correctly. Obviously not, since nothing has worked so far.

I've not tried any other setups; jamKAT, hybriKIT. I don't know how to load them into the DITI.

If yours is working, what setting are you using? Is there a proper sequence to get it right?

I'm very frustrated! Thanks for any help!


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  • The Kat's Meow
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#3 Re: DITI with eHAT2 and Addictive Drums 2
February 12, 2017, 01:26:09 AM
Success!!! I finally figured out my Hi-Hat issue. Here are my findings:

DITI Info:

Pad 7A (Pad Ctl) - I've got a stereo 1/4" cable into an eHAT2
Pad Type > eHAT2 (I think all of these settings are automatic once you select eHAT2 as your pad)
Midi Note > All slots off
Hi Hat Select > None
Chic Type > Control
HiHat Controler #04

Pad 7b (Pad Chk)
I believe all of the settings are automatic once you select pad 7A as eHAT2.

Pad 8A - I've got a stereo 1/4" cable into a Yamaha PCY135
Pad Type > Yam PCY 135Y
Midi Note > Slot 1 = 08 (need this for Addictive Drums 2 to use the continuous controller data from 7A)
Hi Hat Select > None

Pad 8B - Since the PCY135 is a 3 zone choke-able pad I should be able to get hi-hat bell and/or shaft sounds, but I can't figure this one out. I think the section in the DITI manual talking about membrane switch trigger pads is supposed to cover this, but I'm at a loss.

Addictive Drums 2 Info:

In the Map Window you need to turn up the foot close sensitivity to you liking in order to get that sound. When I turn up the foot splash sensitivity I get a foot splash, but I have a devil of a time controlling it. I get the splash too often even when the sensitivity is turned down very low. Also, when you do a foot splash the foot close sound is also triggered, which makes sense, but it's too loud and since both sounds are triggered at the same time it doesn't sound like a real foot splash. If anyone can help clean this up, that would be awesome!
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 01:30:17 AM by lanceallen »


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  • Cool Kat
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#4 Re: DITI with eHAT2 and Addictive Drums 2
February 12, 2017, 10:43:36 AM
Great news.
Have fun with the DITI.
