Alternate Mode KAT Percussion Forum

Alternate Mode Website


Importing Samples from Alternate Mode Website into Logic (Mac) (Read 9022 times)


  • *
  • Alley Kat
  • Posts: 1
Instruments: none listed
Hello All,
I'm a newbie to the group and I'm sure my question has been answered before, but I have a question about importing samples from the Alternate Mode website. I have a VibeKat and I have Logic (mac) and I was trying to import the samples into Logic (or Garage Band). Has anyone had experience with this or have a good resource to help. The samples are the ones on this site. I have tried exporting them in the EXS format but that did not seem to work.



  • *****
  • Administrator
  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 49
  • I have no response to that!
Instruments: trapKAT, malletKAT, drumKAT, DITI, jamKAT
I don't have a MAC but all the sample files are Zipped...

did you download, then extract or open all the files within the Zipped folder?

just trying to help