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Hybrid Pad Connector Issues (Read 2586 times)


  • ***
  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 199
Instruments: none listed
Hybrid Pad Connector Issues
October 05, 2020, 01:45:53 AM
My HybriPads will occasionally drop volume to about 30% of what they should be. It appears to be a connector issue. Unplugging and plugging the jack several times may or may not fix it. Cleaning the jacks may or may not fix it. The challenge is the problem can happen in the middle of playing a song on a gig and take a couple seconds or several minutes to fix. And then there's no way to know how long until it happens again. Somes times several days and other times a few minutes.

Anybody else having this issue? Have you been able to resolve it?