Thank you very much,Scotty.
Believe it or not,I'm still a dino -katasaurus - rocker,too.Not as much on drums,but a lot of oldies on keys.
The only 'looping' I do use is a note on for a synth 'drone' , or an LFO on the sound.A slow LFO (wave) modulating the sound & you can get some movement going on behind the rhythm.Proteus has these 'BPM' patches - Beat Per Minute.So for midi,you can set the wave cycle to 1/16,1/8.1/4 note.(& more choices).So the wave cycle is locked on to the speed of the midi clock.Not really locked,but 'matched'. Or,I use a time increment setting - matched to the tempo I play the song.Anybody who has those patches/features on their synth,should check those out.I also use some that randomly 'roam' around & have no relation to the tempo.It's fun to play along with - much more interesting than a metronome !
I put some questionable performances in there - some missed hits,not quite right mixes.That one song ,'Sinister Seven' , it has some wipe outs & just about completely crashes & burns.( hey Vince,we talked about that before.)Or maybe it only flies into the ditch ,keeps going,& pulls back into traffic.That particular song isn't quite complete on that version.
Yeah Scotty,I only have a couple 'funky' tunes. More like 'Paradiddle - Krunkadelic'. I can't find any standard category my music fits into.