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A bit of NINJAM (Read 54677 times)

Orb Vroomer

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#45 Re: A bit of NINJAM
July 01, 2011, 04:31:36 PM
Nice jam plj.


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#46 Re: A bit of NINJAM
August 13, 2011, 07:10:00 PM
Well, about time for another :).

Rock - what sub-genre?  Country rock?


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#47 Re: A bit of NINJAM
September 08, 2011, 09:32:30 PM
It's still Rock N Rock to Me

Nice Jam (as usual) my friend...

You held down the foundation nicely and the GEE-TAR players do their thang....which is always good....more room for their head ;D

nice mix great groove drumming PLJ!

« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 09:44:40 PM by gmbydmit »


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#48 Re: A bit of NINJAM
October 03, 2011, 06:19:14 PM
OK, nearly two months so I guess I can put out another...  I really tried to lay back on this.  It sounds so much better played back than it did during, too!  Hope you've got some bass on what you're listening on and are feeling like getting some groove on! :D

Southern rock?


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#49 Re: A bit of NINJAM
February 05, 2012, 06:34:10 PM
pljones - drums
Manu_Z - sounds...
Gaz - guitar-ish sounds
KCsr - guitar
Gerald - guitar at start
geopercusons - additional percussion

This is a 28m39 free jam.  Often on NINJAM, you get stuck in the interval, just looping around and around, not really getting anywhere at all.  This is completely different.  There's a feeling that it's a piece of music that evolves from the beginning to the end.  There are, of course, consistent underlying themes throughout, holding it together but the instrumentation and melody both vary significantly.  One of the great things about NINJAM is it encourages a "call and response" approach when performing like this, because you're not playing at the same time.

It's been remixed from the ReaNINJAM clipsort recordings, i.e. to adjust levels.  (No one complains I'm too quiet any more but I can't convince anyone I'm too loud... which I am.)  In a couple of places I cut glitches, too.  Post-processed in Audacity (amp to -3dB, compress with knee at -15dB, amp to -3dB).  LAME for MP3 encoding ("-V2 -h"); ogg vorbis for ogg ("-q10").

[mp3] [stream]
[ogg] [stream]

The "original" version can be found here,  as recorded by ninbot, truncated a little after the track above ends.


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#50 Re: A bit of NINJAM
February 11, 2012, 11:35:48 AM
that was frickin awesome!

I might have to steal some of that for a video.....


keep em comin, PLJ



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#51 Re: A bit of NINJAM
February 12, 2012, 01:36:35 PM
Thanks :)


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#52 Re: A bit of NINJAM
September 11, 2012, 06:26:16 PM
On 9th September, I happened to jam the same track a couple of times with two different sample sets selected.

Full 17 minutes (stream) using Native Instruments Abbey Road Late 60s Kit (v1.1 Full).
A more bearable 3m35 (stream) using ns_kit7 Rock Kit (snares on, sticks).

Mostly this is so people can listen to the hi-hat sounds.  The tune is pretty repetitive, so you can get to concentrate.  I actually found the NI kit more responsive here than I expected but I still love the ns_kit7 hi-hat.  I'd probably tell the first was using samples but, other than I know the sound of ns_kit7 so well, I doubt I'd call it on the second one.


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#53 Re: A bit of NINJAM
September 11, 2012, 10:49:34 PM
Very nice! Chilling to that. Both kits sound lovely.

PS, that manu_Z, he gets everywhere, does he?


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#54 Re: A bit of NINJAM
September 12, 2012, 02:43:07 AM
Yeah - they're both edits and he didn't actually make either cut.  There in spirit only :).

At the time, I'd felt the NI kit suited the music down to the ground (a little like elevator music... uh, I mean the less crisp sound of the kit fitted the vibe).  I'd switched to ns_kit7 and was getting back into the feel when DaMNeD started the loop up again - and it didn't sound too bad.  I still prefer the "fit" in the first piece, even if the hi-hat isn't as expressive.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 02:47:12 AM by pljones »


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#55 Re: A bit of NINJAM
September 15, 2012, 03:19:45 AM
Here's something a bit slower and bluesy.

20120914-1522-pljones-tea-taku-Helio (stream)


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#56 Re: A bit of NINJAM
September 17, 2012, 06:01:44 PM


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#57 Re: A bit of NINJAM
September 24, 2012, 10:57:15 AM
You can't ever have too much, can you?  Well, just when you thought maybe "that's getting a bit much", this next piece will drop you off into free-fall...

20120923-1454-edit01-pljones-poro-tea-T_rex-ninjaz-Helio-Gaz-DirtyDeeds (stream)
Me on ns_kit7 as ever, poro making weird noises (keyboard, I think), ninjaz making other weird noises (wind controller, usually), tea on lead and T-rex on bass (Helio, Gaz and DirtyDeeds hadn't arrived by the end of this edit).


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#58 Re: A bit of NINJAM
November 08, 2013, 05:43:50 PM
Oooh, over a year since I posted a jam... let's have two up, then:

20131020-1608-edit01-pljones-Doublebass-viteg-yoyobass (stream)
This has me switching kits a couple of minutes in (ns_kit7/natural drum kit Rock to Analogue Drums RockStock,  I think) and several other "disasters" but it was really fun getting into something a bit different.  Doublebass on looped keys backing bass and other sounds, then just keys later on.  viteg on lead guitar.  yoyobass on bass in the latter half.

20131102-0950-edit04-pljones-tea (stream)
This is just sublime (despite a few mistakes).  I'm playing ns_kit7/natural drum kit Rock throughout with tea playing a very nice sounding lead guitar.


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#59 Re: A bit of NINJAM
December 28, 2014, 05:56:45 PM
More than another year..!  A contrasting pair, then:

20141226-1418-edit02-pljones-ced (stream)
Seven minute jam with just two of us - ced on guitar, playing a heavy riff over my rocking drumming.  This is NI Abbey Road 80s Black with the Heavy Metal patch, I believe.  And possibly rather too much compression as well...

20141221-1517-pljones-unfretted-KarlPopper-Alfred-pajter-pajam (stream)
Nearly an hour here of experimental sounds.  I'm using a variety of the Native Instruments kits.  KarlPopper is also making percussive sounds.  Alfred is on the synth pads.  unfretted enters on (I think) clarinet about 15 minutes in and continues on a variety of acoustic sounds.  pajter and pajam arrive and depart separately, later (and now I don't remember what they were playing!).

More here, of course.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 06:10:31 PM by pljones »