Alternate Mode KAT Percussion Forum

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How to load Free Alternate Mode perc sounds into ipad app Sound Font Pro (Read 3809 times)

  • *
  • Alley Kat
  • Posts: 1
Instruments: none listed
Does anyone know how to load and set up the sound font percussion instruments into the Sound Font Pro app for the ipad? I want to use, at least, a vibraphone. I can copy and load the .sf2 file, but when I test and play it, all of the notes are rearranged and out of order.


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  • Administrator
  • The Kat's Meow
  • Posts: 49
  • I have no response to that!
Instruments: trapKAT, malletKAT, drumKAT, DITI, jamKAT
sorry, no reponse yet!
If you have found an answer or links elsewhere....please share...


  • *
  • Alley Kat
  • Posts: 1
Instruments: none listed
Hi...EXS is another type of soundfont like format which Logic and MainStage on MacOS can create. It?s got a binary .exs file and then a folder for the samples. Auria Pro and AudioLayer are apps that use EXS. Unlike SFZ you can?t just use a text editor for an EXS file to change the location of your samples or to adjust parameters.

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« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 12:49:29 PM by ArneyViel »