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Reconnecting connections on pads (Read 9191 times)


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Reconnecting connections on pads
August 19, 2020, 12:20:44 PM
I've got MalletKatPro (KS) and I've got one pad that doesn't respond to sounds any longer. I received an email from Alternate Mode on how to diagnose and solution this issue. I'm on the next step of taking the back off and reconnecting the pad. I took the back off but there is foam padding, etc. and I'm trying to avoid going in and tinkering with the components for fear of breaking something. I've already tried resetting/reinitializing, removing/cleaning the pad, etc.
Here is what AM sent to me.

Does anyone have any advice or is there a video on how to check/fix the connection?


Connection Issue:

If that does not correct the problem, then try to take a look at the connections on the circuit board (for the sensor) you will be looking at the connections mark with J at the bottom edge on the circuit board.

Turn off the malletKAT and remove the back cover. Locate the connections of the tails that are plugged into the circuit board at J13, J14, and J18 (master octave sensor)J15 & J16(2nd octave),J17 & J19 (for the 3rd octave) Find the correct J connectors for the pad with the problem and un-plug and then re-plug those connections making sure that there is a firm connection. You will need to remove the silicone on these connections to un plug, check that no traces of silicone got inside the connection. remove all silicone and replug these connections. Now reinitialize the unit again


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#1 Re: Reconnecting connections on pads
September 18, 2020, 02:40:57 PM

I wouldn't personally mess with anything internally on the malletKat.
If you opened up and saw nothing obviously disconnected or broken, then I'd box it up and send it to Mario and the gang at Alternate Mode for repair

(my 2 cents)