REF does the TK have the alts like the DK ? I don't have a manual-but you do. Try to see what is missing -if anything from Trap K -Drum K. Does Trap K have the 4 note 'stacks' or whatever it's called ? If so,use those to build you chords.You are not a synth tweaker,so I would stay away from transposing of the modules sounds-besides transpose is a chromatic function ,& you'll likely get things 'mucked up' that way.Your 3 chord approach won't work very well-some intervals might work.
For melody notes,use alts,if the TK has that,because that's how I do it. .I would use alts & then have a series of notes on only ONE pad. &, since I know you want more pads, none will be wasted by putting individual notes spread around a bunch of pads.Only one series of order ,though, until it loops back. Maybe Vince does it differently.On Mission that WEEL passes & trigs a synth that I programed just for that.I had to because I didn't have enough pads to play it otherwise.And it took every pad up there to do it-no spares.I don't hit LISA, it but it is linked to an upper R pad (I think ) with other notes I need to keep rhythm pattern complete-it was almost an IMPOSSIBLE MISSION. Didn't see that before the fact,like my silly metaphors I always use to punish you guys !
So on WEEL-melody,& through out the song, DK is an alt 8 (individual notes) that plays 3 notes synth notes I had to specially program.So technically,8 (alt) notes X 3 synth notes plays 24 notes on one pad. (I can barely follow that).Last of 8 is a 2 note deal,so it comes up as 23,actually.Holt Sh....That does sound almost IMPOSSIBLE. Don't try this @ home ,kids.Is your brain mush yet ? How about you,REF ?
If TDW20 isn't like Proteus ,use that or Procussion for chords. We're getting advanced here--so don't pass go -or you might have to go directly to jail & be fined !!!
Get lesson 1,2,&3 ready before this. If I ever get back to lighting thread, I'll break it into ind. chapters--might look never ending otherwise.
I would assume you to use stacked notes for your chords REF. I don't use all the DK functions --so there is likely more than on path to top of mountain !! orb.